• 姓名: 贺炜
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位: 博士
  • 长沙理工大学
  • 土木工程学院


Wei He, Professor, PhD, Supervisor of PhD candidates, Registered Civil Engineer (Geotechnical) of China. Member of Engineering Australia, Fellow of Institution of Engineer Australia (FIEAust), Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng). National Engineering Register (NER), Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ). Member of International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE), American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – China Civil Engineering Society. Committee Member of Youngs Group of Chinese Institution of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering – China Civil Engineering Society.

主要研究领域:桩基设计理论与应用、地基处理技术、岩土工程数值分析、岩土工程防灾减灾等研究。研究成果获省部级一等奖2项,二等奖3项。主持国家自然科学基金项目及省部级与横向科研项目10余项,以第一发明人身份申请专利10余项,目前获国家发明专利授权4项,实用新型专利授权6项,在《International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE》、《Computer and Geotechnics》、《Structure Engineering and Mechanics》、《岩土工程学报》、《中国公路学报》、《岩土力学》、《工程力学》等国内外高水平学术刊物上发表学术论文近60篇,其中2篇获湖南省公路学会优秀论文一等奖。

Research Interests: Theory and practice of pile foundations, Ground Improvement Technologies, Geotechnical numerical analysis, Prevention and remediation of geotechnical catastrophe. Wei He has been awarded two First Place, and three Second Place Provincial Prizes. He led more than ten research projects sponsored by China Natural Science Foundations, Provincial government and industry partners. His research has been published in 60 journal papers.


He has technically supported a number of large national civil engineering projects, inclusive of Guangdong Humen 2nd Bridge – Nizhou Waterway Bridge (1688m main span, No.2 in worldwide), Hunan Yueyang Dongting Lake 2nd Bridge (1488 main span, No.8 in worldwide). He is undertaking Instrumentation Monitoring Plan (IMP) of artificial island and deep excavation of Lingdingyang Bridge (1666m main span, No.3 in worldwide after completion) in ShenZhen to Zhongshan Link (Shenzhong Link). In addition, he successfully applied Ferronickel slag as embankment material based on industry project sponsored by Guangdong Guangqing Metal Technology Ltd. This solved the key sustainability issue of industrial solid waste. 


Centrifugal Shaking Table Test of Pile in Sloping Ground 


Anchor Excavation (Gourd shape) of Yueyang Dongting Lake 2nd Bridge 


90m Diameter Excavation of Nizhou Waterway Bridge in Humen 2nd Bridge Project 


Site Photo of Ferronickel Embankment

一、 教育背景 Education

2015-2016 澳大利亚昆士兰大学访问学者 Visiting Scholar at the University of Queensland, Australia

2013-2014 加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学博士后研究 Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of British Colombia, Canada

2009-2010 浙江大学建工学院博士后研究 Post-Doctoral Fellow at Zhejiang University

2003-2007年 湖南大学岩土工程专业获工学博士学位 Ph.D of Hunan University

1999-2003年 湖南大学土木工程专业获学士学位 Bachelor of Hunan University

二、 目前研究领域或主要研究方向 Research Interests

桩基设计理论与应用Theory and practice of pile foundations、地基处理技术Ground Improvement Technologies、岩土工程数值分析Geotechnical numerical analysis、岩土工程防灾减灾Prevention and remediation of geotechnical catastrophe

三、 主持课题 Research Funding

[1] 国家自然科学基金项目“桥台桩基在蓄洪影响下的反应性状研究”;“Response of Abutment Piles in Flooding Storage Area” – funded by Natural Science Foundation of China

[2] 湖南省自科基金项目"岩溶塌陷上方多层水平加筋体荷载传递机理与设计方法研究";”Load Transferring Mechanism and Design Theory for Multi-layer Reinforcement beneath Embankment in Karst Terrain” - funded by Hunan Provincial Natural Science Funding

[3] 交通部主干学科基础研究项目"岩溶塌陷上方水平加筋垫层的破坏机理与设计理论研究";”Failure Mechanism and Design Theory for Multi-layer Reinforcement beneath Embankment in Karst Terrain” - funded by Ministry of Transportation of P.R.China

[4] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“残积土震致侧移作用下山区斜坡桩基的破坏机理及控制研究”; “ Mechanicsm and Prevention to the Failure of a Pile in Slope under Earthquake induced Lateral Movement of Residual Soil in Mountainous Terrain” – funded by Natural Science Foundation of China

[5] 交通部课题“大跨径钢绗架悬索桥设计与施工关键技术研究“;”Long Span Steel Truss Suspension Bridge Design and Construction Key Technology Study” – funded by Ministry of Transportation of P.R.China

[6] 横向课题“广东虎门二桥坭洲水道桥东锚碇施工监控技术研究”;”IMP of Eastern Anchor Excavation of Nizhou Waterway Bridge in Guangdong Humen 2nd Bridge Project” – Sponsored by Industrial Partner.

[7] 横向课题“广东广青镍铁渣路用特性的原位试验研究“; “Properties of Guangdong Guangqing Ferronickel Slag as Embankment Fill and Site Experiment” – Sponsored by Industrial Partner.

四、部分代表性第一作者学术论文 Selected First Author Papers

[1] He, Wei, Luo Chaoyun, Fan Ziyi, et al. "An axisymmetric BNEF method of circular excavations taking into account soil-structure interactions." Computers and Geotechnics 90 (2017): 155-163.(SCI三区)

[2] He, Wei, David Williams, and Ali Shokouhi. "Numerical study of slurry consolidometer tests taking into account the influence of wall friction." Computers and Geotechnics 91 (2017): 39-47. (SCI三区)

[3] He Wei. Application of the meshfree method for evaluating the bearing capacity and response behavior of foundation piles [J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2012, 12(2): 98-104 (SCI三区)

[4] Wei He, Barry Kok, Sangmin Lee.(2018). 3D Assessment of Rainfall-induced Slope Movements and Risk Mitigation Strategies. IC Geotechnics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, July 2018

[5] Wei He, Mathew Sams, Barry Kok. (2018). Monte-Carlo Simulation of Post-Construction Settlement after Vacuum Consolidation and Design Criterion Calibration. GeoShanghai2018, May, 2018

[6] He Wei. The Bearing Behavior of Foundation Pile Evaluated by the Meshfree Local Petrov-Garlerkin method[C]. Advances in Pile Foundations, Geosynthetics, Geoinvestigations, and Foundation Failure Analysis and Repairs (GSP 220). Proceedings of the 2011 GeoHunan International Conference. 2011: 791-798

[7] 贺炜, 刘剑锋, 尹平保 等.工业镍铁渣的路用特性及原位试验研究[J].岩土工程学报, 2019: 1-9. ( He Wei, Liu Jianfeng, Yin Pingbao, et al, Properties of industrial ferro-nickel slag for road and field experimental study. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering: 2019: 1-9)

[8] 贺炜,陈仁朋,孔令刚,陈云敏. 群桩受扭工作性状及非线性计算理论研究[J]. 岩土工程学报,2010,05:751-756. (Wei He, Renpeng Chen, Linggang Kong, Yunmin Chen. (2010) Bearing behaviors and nonlinear theory of pile groups subjected to torque. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 32(05):751-756.)

[9] 贺炜, 罗智猛, 尹平保, 等. 山区斜坡桩基地震响应的离心模型试验[J]. 中国公路学报, 2018, 31(09):47-55. (Wei He, Zhimeng Luo, and Pingbao Yin, et al.(2018). Centrifuge Model Tests of Bridge Pile Foundations in Sloping Ground of Mountainous Areas. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 31(9): 43-51.)

[10] 贺炜, 凡子义, 罗超云, 等. 圆形地连墙设计关键问题及轴对称有限元法. 中国公路学报, 2017, 30(9), 101-108. (He Wei, Fan Ziyi, Luo Chaoyun et al. Key Design Issues of Circular Diaphragm Wall and Axisymmetric Finite Element Method, 2017, 30(9), 101-108)

[11] 贺炜, 李昆, 王芳洪, 等. "防岩溶塌陷加筋垫层大比例模型试验及设计理论研究." 岩石力学与工程学报 35.5 (2016): 980-988. (Wei He, Kun Li, and Fanghong Wang. (2016). Large-scale experimental Study of multi-layered reinforcement to prevent underneath sinkhole in Karst terrain and the design method. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 35(5):980-988)

[12]贺炜,赵明华,陈永贵,王泓华. 土-水特征曲线滞后现象的微观机制与计算分析[J]. 岩土力学,2010,04:1078-1083. (Wei He, Ming-hua Zhao, Yonggui Chen, et al. (2010) Theoretical study of microscopical mechanisms and computational method of hysteresis in SWCCs. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 31(4):1078-1083)

五、 所获学术荣誉及学术影响  Awards and Honors

[1] 2014年度中国公路学会科学技术一等奖“岩溶区高速公路路域水环境保护技术创新与工程应用” (The First Prize, Science and Technology Award of Chinese Highway Society, "Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Hydro-Environment in Karst Terrain during Highway Construction".)

[2] 2014年度湖南省科技进步一等奖“湖区高速公路路基建造关键技术及工程应用” (The First Prize, Science and Technology Advancement Award of Hunan Province. "Key Technologies and Engineering Application of Highway Construction in Soft Soil around Dongting Lake".)

[3] 2012年度中国公路学会科学技术一等奖“高速公路软土地基构造物设计方法及工程技术研究” (The First Prize, Science and Technology Award of Chinese Highway Society, "Assessment, Monitoring and Protection of Hydro-Environment in Karst Terrain during Highway Construction".)

[4] 2012年度湖南省科技进步二等奖 “高边坡动力稳定性分析及柔性抗震支挡技术研究” (The Second Prize, Science and Technology Advancement Award of Hunan Province. "Dynamic Stability of High Rock Slope and Hazard Mitigation using Reinforced Soil Walls".)

联系方式Contact Information

Email: wadeho@csust.edu.cn